Robotics Technology INC:

Robotic Technology Incorporated (RTI), a Maryland, U.S.A. organization contracted in 1985, gives frameworks and administrations in the fields of wise frameworks, mechanical vehicles (counting unmanned ground, air, and ocean vehicles), apply autonomy and robotic, weapons frameworks, savvy control frameworks, wise transportation frameworks, keen assembling, and other propelled innovation for government, industry, and not-revenue driven customers.

RTI Services:

RTI Services incorporate specialized investigations, innovation evaluation and estimating, business advancement, and other expert administrations. (RTI) items being worked on include: keen frameworks for controlling complex frameworks of frameworks and serving as choice devices for human leaders; and self-sufficient canny robots and vehicles for military and common applications.

Vision Statement:

To end up the worldwide pioneer and propagator of insightful frameworks, including self-sufficient shrewd robots and driver-less vehicles, and particularly to champion the transformation innovation expected to spare lives on the war zone and the expressway.

Mission Statement:

To make, construct, and offer self-sufficient shrewd frameworks, including robots and mechanical vehicles, for the advantage of humankind, such that our workers flourish, our shareholders prosper, and our clients are totally fulfilled.


The Robotic Technology Inc. logo consists of a circle and arrows preceding our initials. The circle and arrows symbolize the dynamics of a cybernetic system and signify input, output, and feedback.

All about Robotics Technology,complete Information Included in this post.

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