Today cell-phones have become an integral part of our life and are the most used mode of communication. more common the utilization of PDA, more basic is the need to diminish eco-contamination that exudes from the enormous number of still-being used and out-of-utilization phones. Harmful items like lead, mercury, cadmium and different materials represent a genuine risk to our biological community. Handset makes, perceiving the need of great importance, are demonstrating awesome interest and accentuation on assembling earth agreeable handsets as well as eco-accommodating chargers.

Next Generation Phones:

The need for mobile communication to go green has brought forward innovative new designs with latest technology & expertise to satisfy the customers. Solar energy, kinetic energy and wind energy are a few of the energy sources that will be harnessed to power the handsets.

Solar Energy For Towers:

India with one of the biggest markets for PDAs has proposed plans for PDA towers that are fueled by sun based vitality. China Mobile, the main Chinese media transmission administrator, has effectively set up the world's greatest sun oriented vitality fueled base station in China.

Powered By Radio Frequency:

Nokia is trying to manufacture cell-phones that will use ambient radio waves. Their prototype can harness 50mW of power from radio waves. This is sufficient to power the cell-phone in standby mode.

Solar Power For Cell-Phones:

Every significant player in the mobile phone producing industry are currently occupied into propelling sun based fueled PDAs. Pop by LG, Blue-earth by Samsung and two other Sharp Models are all new models utilizing sun oriented force.

More Future Ideas:

Since solar power is unavailable at night time, the idea of using kinetic energy to generate electrons is now being explored. Motion of any form is utilized to generate power for charging the phone. Using airbed foot pumps to drive an embedded turbine to generate energy and convert it to electric power is now being tried.

Future Mobile features and all information about next generation phones and and many more things

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