September 2016

History Of Information Technology:


Information Technology has been around for a long, long time. Essentially the length of individuals have been around, data innovation has been around in light of the fact that there were dependably methods for conveying through innovation accessible by then. There are 4 primary ages that gap up the historical backdrop of data innovation. Just the most recent age (electronic) and a portion of the electromagnetically age truly influences us today, however it is critical to find out about how we came to the heart of the matter we are at with innovation today.

Premechanical Ages:

The premechanical age is the earliest age of information technology. It can be defined as the time between 3000B.C. and 1450A.D. We are talking about a long time ago. When humans first started communicating they would try to use language or simple picture drawings known as petroglyths which were usually carved in rock. Early alphabets were developed such as the Phoenician alphabet.As alphabets became more popluar and more people were writing information down, pens and paper began to be developed. It started off as just marks in wet clay, but later paper was created out of papyrus plant. The most popular kind of paper made was probably by the Chinese who made paper from rags.
Now that people were writing a lot of information down they needed ways to keep it all in permanent storage. This is where the first books and libraries are developed. You’ve probably heard of Egyptian scrolls which were popular ways of writing down information to save. Some groups of people were actually binding paper together into a book-like form.
Also during this period were the first numbering systems. Around 100A.D. was when the first 1-9 system was created by people from India. However, it wasn’t until 875A.D. (775 years later) that the number 0 was invented. And yes now that numbers were created, people wanted stuff to do with them so they created calculators. A calculator was the very first sign of an information processor. The popular model of that time was the abacus.


The mechanical age is the point at which we first begin to see associations between our present innovation and its progenitors. The mechanical age can be characterized as the time somewhere around 1450 and 1840. A ton of new advances are created in this period as there is an extensive blast in enthusiasm with this territory. Innovations like the slide administer (a simple PC utilized for increasing and isolating) were imagined. Blaise Pascal designed the Pascaline which was an extremely prominent mechanical PC. Charles Babbage built up the distinction motor which classified polynomial conditions utilizing the strategy for limited contrasts.

There were lots of different machines created during this era and while we have not yet gottent to a machine that can do more than one type of calculation in one, like our modern-day calculators, we are still learning about how all of our all-in-one machines started. Also, if you look at the size of the machines invented in this time compared to the power behind them it seems (to us) absolutely ridiculous to understand why anybody would want to use them, but to the people living in that time ALL of thse inventions were HUGE.


Now we are finally getting close to some technologies that resemble our modern-day technology. The electromechanical age can be defined as the time between 1840 and 1940. These are the beginnings of telecommunication. The telegraph was created in the early 1800s. Morse code was created by Samuel Morse in 1835. The telephone (one of the most popular forms of communication ever) was created by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. The first radio developed by Guglielmo Marconi in 1894. All of these were extremely crucial emerging technologies that led to big advances in the information technology field.

The main expansive scale programmed computerized PC in the United States was the Mark 1 made by Harvard University around 1940. This PC was 8ft high, 50ft long, 2ft wide, and measured 5 tons - HUGE. It was customized utilizing punch cards. How does your PC match up to this hunk of metal? It was from gigantic machines like this that individuals started to take a gander at cutting back every one of the parts to first make them usable by organizations andeventually in your own particular home.


The electronic age is wha we as of now live in. It can be characterized as the time somewhere around 1940 and right at this point. The ENIAC was the main fast, computerized PC equipped for being reconstructed to tackle a full scope of figuring issues. This PC was intended to be utilized by the U.S. Armed force for mounted guns shooting tables. This machine was considerably greater than the Mark 1 taking up 680 square feet and measuring 30 tons - HUGE. It predominantly utilized vacuum tubes to do its counts.

There are 4 main sections of digital computing. The first was the era of vacuum tubes and punch cards like the ENIAC and Mark 1. Rotating magnetic drums were used for internal storage. The second generation replaced vacuum tubes with transistors, punch cards were replaced with magnetic tape, and rotating magnetic drums were replaced by magnetic cores for internal storage. Also during this time high-level programming languages were created such as FORTRAN and COBOL. The third generation replaced transistors with integrated circuits, magnetic tape was used throughout all computers, and magnetic core turned into metal oxide semiconductors. An actual operating system showed up around this time along with the advanced programming language BASIC. The fourth and latest generation brought in CPUs (central processing units) which contained memory, logic, and control circuits all on a single chip. The personal comptuer was developed (Apple II). The graphical user interface (GUI) was developed.

Today cell-phones have become an integral part of our life and are the most used mode of communication. more common the utilization of PDA, more basic is the need to diminish eco-contamination that exudes from the enormous number of still-being used and out-of-utilization phones. Harmful items like lead, mercury, cadmium and different materials represent a genuine risk to our biological community. Handset makes, perceiving the need of great importance, are demonstrating awesome interest and accentuation on assembling earth agreeable handsets as well as eco-accommodating chargers.

Next Generation Phones:

The need for mobile communication to go green has brought forward innovative new designs with latest technology & expertise to satisfy the customers. Solar energy, kinetic energy and wind energy are a few of the energy sources that will be harnessed to power the handsets.

Solar Energy For Towers:

India with one of the biggest markets for PDAs has proposed plans for PDA towers that are fueled by sun based vitality. China Mobile, the main Chinese media transmission administrator, has effectively set up the world's greatest sun oriented vitality fueled base station in China.

Powered By Radio Frequency:

Nokia is trying to manufacture cell-phones that will use ambient radio waves. Their prototype can harness 50mW of power from radio waves. This is sufficient to power the cell-phone in standby mode.

Solar Power For Cell-Phones:

Every significant player in the mobile phone producing industry are currently occupied into propelling sun based fueled PDAs. Pop by LG, Blue-earth by Samsung and two other Sharp Models are all new models utilizing sun oriented force.

More Future Ideas:

Since solar power is unavailable at night time, the idea of using kinetic energy to generate electrons is now being explored. Motion of any form is utilized to generate power for charging the phone. Using airbed foot pumps to drive an embedded turbine to generate energy and convert it to electric power is now being tried.

Future Technology Digital World

Later on, human progress will be compelled to examine and create elective vitality sources. Our present rate of fossil fuel utilization will prompt a vitality emergency this century. Keeping in mind the end goal to survive the vitality emergency numerous organizations in the vitality business are creating better approaches to concentrate vitality from renewable sources. While the rate of improvement is moderate, standard mindfulness and government weights are developing. This page contains articles about the fate of vitality innovations.

3D Printed Solar Energy Trees

How would nature do it? Researchers at the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland may be discovering the answer, thanks to advancing solar and 3D printing technologies. They have developed some very decorative prototypes of what they are calling “energy harvesting trees”. The tiny leaves generate and store solar energy and can be used to power small appliances and mobile devices. They flourish indoors and outdoors and can also harvest kinectic energy from wind and temperature changes in the surrounding environment.

Watch The Video

“Today it can power your mobile, but imagine the impact a whole forest can have tomorrow.”

How Do They Work?

The tree’s leaves are actually flexible organic solar cells, printed using well established mass-production techniques. Each leaf has a separate power converter, creating a multi converter system that makes it possible to collect energy from a variety of sources like solar, wind and heat temperature. The more solar panels there are in a tree, the more energy it can harvest. The trunks are 3d printed using wood-based biocomposites. They are mass producible and can be infinitely replicated.

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Robotics Technology INC:

Robotic Technology Incorporated (RTI), a Maryland, U.S.A. organization contracted in 1985, gives frameworks and administrations in the fields of wise frameworks, mechanical vehicles (counting unmanned ground, air, and ocean vehicles), apply autonomy and robotic, weapons frameworks, savvy control frameworks, wise transportation frameworks, keen assembling, and other propelled innovation for government, industry, and not-revenue driven customers.

RTI Services:

RTI Services incorporate specialized investigations, innovation evaluation and estimating, business advancement, and other expert administrations. (RTI) items being worked on include: keen frameworks for controlling complex frameworks of frameworks and serving as choice devices for human leaders; and self-sufficient canny robots and vehicles for military and common applications.

Vision Statement:

To end up the worldwide pioneer and propagator of insightful frameworks, including self-sufficient shrewd robots and driver-less vehicles, and particularly to champion the transformation innovation expected to spare lives on the war zone and the expressway.

Mission Statement:

To make, construct, and offer self-sufficient shrewd frameworks, including robots and mechanical vehicles, for the advantage of humankind, such that our workers flourish, our shareholders prosper, and our clients are totally fulfilled.


The Robotic Technology Inc. logo consists of a circle and arrows preceding our initials. The circle and arrows symbolize the dynamics of a cybernetic system and signify input, output, and feedback.

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